Vehicles Making a Turn Are More Likely to Hit a Pedestrian

Have you been hit by a car while walking?  The Delaware personal injury attorneys at Silverman, McDonald & Friedman can help guide you through the legal process. We can assist you in negotiating with insurance companies for a fair settlement, and are not afraid to go to court on your behalf. Contact us for a free consultation at one of our Delaware offices in Newark, Wilmington, or Seaford to learn more.

Vehicles Making a Turn Are More Likely to Hit a Pedestrian

With the spring weather in full bloom, the days are warmer and the sun stays out longer. It is the prime time to begin a walking routine if you have not already. It is hard to beat a safe and healthy exercise where you can walk around the neighborhood or to the store and enjoy the beautiful flowers and fresh, spring air. This pleasant activity can turn deadly, however, if the pedestrian is not paying attention to their surroundings - or a vehicle is not paying attention to a pedestrian. Walking too close to traffic can lead to severe injuries for the pedestrian. Being aware of the risks that nearby vehicles present is important to making sure that your walks remain healthy, and do not leave you in the hospital.

The dangers of large vehicles and pedestrian accidents

In Delaware, pedestrian accidents have been an issue for years, and according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2019, Delaware had the third highest pedestrian accident fatality rate in the country.

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) recently put out a report detailing how  certain vehicles are involved in more pedestrian accidents than others, especially when making turns. When SUVs, pickups, vans and minivans make turns, they have less visibility than smaller vehicles, and so are less likely to see a pedestrian as they are turning.  Notes the IIHS:

Where vehicle type is concerned, earlier research has shown that SUVs and pickups — which are more widespread than ever in the U.S. fleet — are more lethal to pedestrians than cars. The new IIHS paper shows that certain types of pedestrian crashes — including those that occur while the vehicle is turning — are more likely to occur with SUVs, pickups, vans and minivans.

The national rate of pedestrian accidents has risen since 2009, with 6,500 fatalities reported in 2020. That same year, 54,700 more pedestrians were injured in pedestrian traffic accidents.

What are the dangers of left-turning vehicles?

Vehicles, especially large ones, hold an extra danger when they are turning left. In the IIHS report, “the researchers studied the most common types of single-vehicle, single-pedestrian crashes at or near intersections and at other locations. They then examined how involvement in these crashes varied for three larger vehicle types compared with cars.” The results showed that these larger vehicles increased the odds of being in a fatal accident with a pedestrian by two, three, and four times the amount of the vehicle of a smaller size.

They theorized that the A-Pillars’ (which are the supports that hold up the roof of the car on either side of the windshield) shape and size may be blocking the view of the driver too much, especially when making a left turn.

What are some other common causes of pedestrian accidents?

While there are numerous ways for these accidents to happen, it is important to know the most common causes of pedestrian accidents. Most accidents occur due to the negligence of the driver. These causes include:

  • Distracted driving. Whether the choice of distraction is a phone, the kids in the backseat, or an object dropped on the floor, a distraction is a distraction, and they can cost people their lives. This is especially true for pedestrians who may not notice that a car has continued speeding on through the crosswalk.
  • Driving under the influence. Driving under the influence of alcohol/drugs is illegal. When someone is driving while drunk or drugged, they can easily lose control of the vehicle, make poor decisions, and send it careening onto the sidewalk, injuring those walking there.
  • Inclement weather. Fog, snow, rain, sleet, or any type of atypical weather makes it difficult to see in and difficult to drive in. Drivers can easily lose control of their car on a slick patch of road, possibly crashing into pedestrians nearby. Or a driver may not see you when you are crossing the road.

What injuries can result as a pedestrian in a traffic accident?

The injuries you sustain as a pedestrian usually tend to be severe, as the human body is being hit forcefully with a large, heavy, metal vehicle. The injuries one can expect include:

  • Traumatic brain injury. When your head is forcefully hit, your brain can suffer from bruises and abrasions that may lead to internal bleeding and other complications. Symptoms that you have suffered from a traumatic brain injury (TBI) include headaches, nausea, loss of consciousness, blurred vision, memory loss, and confusion.
  • Spinal cord injury. When your spinal cord is injured, your whole body will feel its effects as your spinal cord is the main highway for the nervous system. A complete spinal cord injury (SCI) is when feeling below the point of the injury is lost. An incomplete SCI is when you still retain some feeling and function of your body beneath the site of the injury.
  • Road rash. Road rash happens when the skin is scraped away by a rough surface such as pavement. While some instances of road rash are not too severe, if the injury is deep enough to injure the nerves, then additional medical care will be needed.
  • Broken bones. Broken bones usually occur when the vehicle strikes the pedestrian, or when the pedestrian hits the ground after being struck by the car. These can include anything from broken hands, wrists, shoulders and arms; to a broken back, neck, or skull. Compound fractures or open breaks are extremely painful, and generally require surgery.
  • Wrongful death Too often, pedestrians who are struck by a car do not survive. Whether from the initial accident or complications from their injuries, the loved ones an accident victim leaves behind are left equally devastated. Not only do the family and friends have to deal with the emotional trauma of their sudden loss, but also the financial cost of paying for the funeral and damages.

A perfectly lovely day can be ruined in a blink of an eye. When you or a loved one suffer injury or worse in a pedestrian accident, we want to help. Through a personal injury claim or a wrongful death lawsuit, there is a way forward. Our compassionate team is dedicated to working with you to make sure that you do not suffer more than you already have.

At Silverman, McDonald, & Friedman, we know that you already have enough on your plate. Call our experienced car and pedestrian accident attorneys at 302-888-2900 or fill out our contact form today.  We offer legal services throughout Delaware from our offices in Newark, Wilmington, and Seaford.