Delaware Personal Injury Lawyers

Delaware Personal Injury Lawyers

Delaware personal injury attorneys helping victims throughout the state.

As we move through the world, each of us is expected to exercise some level of care and consideration for those around us – but that is not always the case. Sometimes people get injured due to the negligent actions or omissions of others. Whether you sustain an injury in an auto accident, slip and fall down the stairs at the mall, or contract an illness from a prescription drug that was supposed to help you get better, our Delaware personal injury attorneys have a civil justice system that allows you to recover compensation for your injuries and any other losses you might suffer.

The Delaware personal injury lawyers of Silverman, McDonald & Friedman enjoy a reputation for successfully achieving financial compensation for our personal injury clients. We know how to find out who is at fault and pursue every available legal action to make sure that you get the compensation you deserve. Our Delaware personal injury attorneys work with your medical team and our own medical network to show what injuries you have, what medical treatments you need, and how your injuries are affecting every part of your life.

How can we help?

Case Results

$1,250,000 Workers Compensation Settlement
$1,250,000 lump sum settlement for a worker who injured her liver and spleen in a work accident.
$300,000 for Workers Compensation
$300,000 – workmen’s compensation compensation commutation.
$600,000 Awarded for Slip & Fall
$600,000 – arbitration award following a slip and fall
$1.5 Million Dollar Auto Accident Settlement
$1.5 million dollar settlement for young man injured in an intersectional accident
$400,000 Awarded for Injured Worker
Over $400,000 in benefits awarded after two appeals to the Supreme Court for injured worker in first ever case in...

What types of claims do your Delaware personal injury lawyers handle?

At Silverman, McDonald & Friedman, our Delaware personal injury lawyers have experience handling all types of personal injury cases, from a routine car accident claim to a complex products liability lawsuit. Whether we settle the case or pursue litigation, you benefit from our years of experience and our collective knowledge of the law. We routinely represent people just like you who are dealing with:

  • Vehicle accident claims. We are well-known throughout Delaware as the go-to law firm for auto accidents. Whether you were involved in a collision with a car or a commercial truck, had an accident on your motorcycle, or were injured while you were a passenger in a vehicle, we know what to do. Our Delaware personal injury lawyers also represent bicycle accident victims and anyone injured or killed in an Uber accident.
  • Premises liability claims. Whether you were injured on a defective stairway, or attacked due to negligent security, we hold property owners liable for keeping their property safe for the public to use and enjoy without the threat of harm.
  • Product liability claims. You take prescription medication to cure an illness, but when defective drugs make you sick, you may be able to take legal action against the manufacturer. When the makers of car parts, truck parts, motorcycle parts, machines, tools, consumer products, and products for children place their profit ahead of your safety; the manufacturers deserve to be held liable.
  • Workplace accidents. We file workers’ compensation claims when employees are injured, regardless of fault, while doing their job. Our Delaware personal injury lawyers file negligence claims against employers such as construction companies on behalf of contractors and non-employees. We also file FELA claims on behalf of injured railroad workers.
  • Wrongful death claims. If you have tragically lost a loved one due to the negligent actions of another, you may be able to receive compensation for your loss. We help families when relatives die due to the fault of others.

What are some examples of serious personal injury in Delaware?

At Silverman, McDonald & Friedman, our Delaware personal injury attorneys understand injuries are life-changing. We represent victims who have catastrophic injuries that require a lifetime of care, permanent and chronic injuries, and injuries that heal over time with the proper medical help. Our injury lawyers represent accident victims who have any of the following injuries:

  • Spinal cord injuries. A spinal cord injury can have a lasting impact on your life and your ability to work. We pursue those responsible for your injuries and we fight for your right to compensation.
  • Traumatic brain injuries. If you or a loved one were involved in a catastrophic accident and sustained head injuries that have caused permanent disability, we can make sure that the responsible party compensates you for loss of future earning capacity, medical expenses, pain and suffering, and any other losses.
  • Burn injuries. Severe burn injuries cause unbearable pain. Even with skin grafts and plastic surgery, victims often live with the emotional trauma of scarring and disfigurement.
  • Our Delaware personal injury lawyers represent accident victims who have multiple fractures, compound fractures, simple fractures, and other types of fractures. Many victims need extensive medical help when they break any of their bones.

Our lawyers also represent personal injury victims who have the following injuries:

We also represent workers who have occupational diseases, such as respiratory illnesses or repetitive stress injuries. Our team also advises Delaware residents about coronavirus claims.

Delaware Personal Injury Attorneys

How can your Delaware personal injury attorneys help with my case?

We walk you through the personal injury claim process in Delaware, so that you always know where you are and how you’re doing. From your initial consultation with one of our attorneys all the way through to a verdict or settlement, you can rely on having experienced representation by your side.

Our Delaware personal injury attorneys not only have the skill and experience to represent you when you have been injured, but we have the compassion and the sensitivity to reassure you that you are in good hands with us. At Silverman, McDonald & Friedman, we shoulder the challenge of dealing with your doctors and with the insurance company’s legal team. We know what it takes to build a strong case on your behalf.

We work with investigators who examine the accident site and speak with witnesses. Our personal injury lawyers work with traffic reconstruction professionals, product safety professionals, and other experts when necessary to show a defendant was negligent or a product was defective. Our team conducts formal written questions of all the defendants and oral questions of all the witnesses.

Our Delaware personal injury lawyers seek all relevant physical information such as phone logs to determine if a driver was distracted, repair and maintenance records to show a property owner was aware of a defect, and insurance records to show a defendant’s insurance coverage.

We are skilled at filing claims against all defendants. For example, when a teenager causes a car accident, we usually file a claim against the parents who owned the car their teen was driving.

Our team is respected for our ability to document all your medical bills, treatments, and needs, now and in the future.

What is the statute of limitations for personal injury claims in Delaware?

In Delaware, all personal injury victims must file their complaints within two years of the date of the accident. If you file your claim past this date, your claim will be barred.

The best course of action is to contact our personal injury lawyers as soon as possible. We need to investigate the accident site and physical evidence before changes or repairs are made. We need to speak with witnesses while their memories are still fresh. Our attorneys will answer your questions, review your injuries, and guide you through the claims process.


What damages can I claim in a personal injury lawsuit in Delaware?

Delaware allows plaintiffs in personal injury cases to claim damages – compensation – for their losses. These damages can include:

  • Medical expenses, including for future care
  • Lost wages and loss of earning potential
  • Pain and suffering, including mental trauma from the event of the resulting scarring or disfigurement
  • Property losses associated with the accident

Do you have a Delaware personal injury lawyer near me?

Silverman, McDonald, and Friedman has the following three offices for your convenience:

We meet clients at their homes or a hospital if they are ill or immobile.

Contact a professional and dedicated Delaware personal injury attorney who knows how to help

At the law offices of Silverman, McDonald & Friedman we fight for the rights of those who have been injured by the negligence of another. With offices in Wilmington, Seaford, and Newark, we are able to help victims and their families in every Delaware county. Our lawyers have a strong record of jury verdicts and negotiated settlements. Please call 302-307-3898 or fill out our contact form to make a no-cost appointment with an experienced Delaware personal injury attorney who wants to help.

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