Distracted Driving in Delaware Nearly Doubled Last Year

Distracted Driving in Delaware Nearly Doubled Last YearAt Silverman, McDonald & Friedman, we are here to represent your interests when you have been injured in a car accident caused by someone else’s negligence. Please contact our car accident attorneys in Wilmington, Newark or Seaford to learn more about how we can help.

The Delaware Office of Highway Safety reports that the number of distracted driving crashes in Delaware nearly doubled from 2013 to 2017, when 224 traffic incidents involved an inattentive driver on a cellphone and seven of those crashes involved at least one fatality. Delaware Police reported 6,095 distracted driving crashes last year, which accounted for about 23 percent of all traffic crashes in the state. Traffic safety officials attribute the rise in distracted driving crashes with the increased use of handheld cellphones despite Delaware’s ban on their use while driving in 2012. (Delmarvanow.com)

There is also good news for Delaware regarding distracted driving enforcement. SafeWise, a consumer safety website, ranked Delaware number one when it comes to enforcement of distracted driving laws, because law enforcement issued 13,061 tickets per 100,000 licensed drivers, as compared to the national average of only 1,311. Delaware also had the least number of fatal crashes in the U.S. in 2016, a year when traffic fatalities in the U.S. saw an unprecedented spike.

The fact that distracted driving crashes are 100% preventable makes them incredibly frustrating and tragic. According to data from the Insurance Information Institute (III), about 1,000 people are injured, and nine people are killed each day in the United States because of distracted driving. The use of handheld cell phones is not the cause of every distracted driving crash, they are the leading cause of distracted driving crashes because they take the drivers attention and at least one hand away from the task of driving.

Tips for avoiding distracted driving

The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety offers these tips for safer driving:

  • Cellphones are not the only distraction behind the wheel. Eating, drinking, chatting with passengers, reading a map, reaching for objects or people unrelated to the task of driving can lead to a crash.
  • Fully focus on the task of driving, actively scan the road, use your mirrors and watch for pedestrians and cyclists.
  • Put aside electronic distractions. Don’t use a cellphone while you are driving. Do not use the devices built into the vehicle while driving.
  • If another activity demands your attention, instead of trying to attempt it while driving, pull off the road and stop the vehicle in a safe place
  • If you cannot devote your full attention to driving because of some activity, it’s a distraction. Take care of it before you leave or after your trip, but nor while behind the wheel.

If you have been injured in a car crash that was caused by a distracted driver, the experienced car accident lawyers at Silverman, McDonald & Friedman are ready to fight for your right to recover compensation for your injuries.

Injured in a car crash? Silverman, McDonald & Friedman have offices in Newark, Seaford, Wilmington, so we are always close by when you need reputable legal counsel. Call us at 302.414.5553 or fill out our contact form to schedule a free consultation.
